How to Choose the Right Crystals for You

The world of crystals and stones can seem overwhelming at first. With hundreds of options available how do you choose a crystal that is right for you? Here are three tips I share with clients to help guide them in their decision-making process.

Choose a crystal or stone that you are drawn to

Sometimes choosing the right crystal can be as simple as picking one you are drawn to. Colour, shape or size can all be factors that influence whether or not we are drawn to a particular crystal or stone.  If you tend to like subtle or pastel tones you may find yourself choosing a crystal such as selenite, amethyst, aqua marine or rose quartz. If you find more vivid colours appealing you may choose blue aventurine, carnelian or green aventurine. Following your intuition is a great way to choose the perfect crystal or stone!

Home Stones crystal tassels. Crystals for success, protection, sleep and love. Including black tourmaline, carnelian, lepidolite, rose quartz, selenite, smoky quartz and berry quartz.

Left to right: Thrive Tassel (carnelian & black tourmaline), Protect Tassel (petrified wood & black tourmaline), Love Tassel (berry quartz & smoky quartz), Sleep tassel (lepidolite & smoky quartz), Love Tassel (rose quartz & selenite.)

Choose based on the crystal or stone’s properties

Another common way to choose is to consider the crystal or stone’s properties.  What energy or vibe are you trying to create? Where will this crystal be placed? For example, if you are looking to create a calm restful environment in your bedroom you may choose a stone like lepidolite. Lepidolite aides in reducing stress and overcoming struggles with insomnia. With the ability to clear and dissipate negative thoughts, Lepidolite helps prepare the mind and body for a restful sleep.  We’ve made shopping for your Home Stones’ tassels easy by dividing them into different categories (E.g. Sleep, Peace, Love) based on the crystals’ properties.

Home Stones Sleep Tassel crafted with lepidolite and smoky quartz.

Choose a crystal or stone to complement one another

Just like peanut butter and jelly, some crystals complement one another perfectly! What do I mean by complement each other? I mean that their properties and attributes work well together. If we continue using the previous example, lepidolite is a great choice to help aide in sleep and you may want to choose a stone with properties that complement this.  Smoky Quartz is a terrific grounding stone and gently neutralizes negative energies and nurtures emotional calmness, therefore it would be an amazing complement to lepidolite.  We have combined these two stones in our Sleep Tassel based on their complementary properties.

Selecting crystals and stones should be fun, so don’t stress! Hopefully these tips help guide your process!

Rose quartz and selenite crystal tassel. Powerful crystals for love.

Home Stones Love Tassel crafted with rose quartz and complementary selenite.